
About Us

Wunderkammer aims to be the best place for trading collector's items and collections. This means that buyers can find excellent and unique items for sale, and sellers can achieve the best prices - all while both parties have an exciting experience along the way. These goals are to be fulfilled through the auction house's three advantages:


Specialization - the idea behind themes

Wunderkammer's first advantage is our specialization. We are not a mixed store of new and old, original and copied items. Furthermore, we distinguish ourselves from many other auction houses with a more traditional focus on classical art and design.

Our focus is on collector's items from the first half of the 20th century, celebrating the aesthetic and craftsmanship often found in objects from this period.

We always employ specialists and involve collectors in our theme auctions, as this provides several advantages:

  • It results in a better and more detailed description of the items and their condition.
  • It ensures that the item's history is properly presented.
  • It enables the best possible appraisals of items placed for sale.

Ultimately, our specialization allows us to gather interest from both a Danish and international audience, and to make our auctions truly unique.

Presentation - Beautiful and Precise

Wunderkammer's second advantage is the presentation of the items we sell. This encompasses both the visual presentation and the way our auctions are presented to Danish and international collectors.

The visual presentation includes professional product photos, theme images, and videos. We present the items as beautifully as possible, but without embellishing their condition. The presentation should be both beautiful and accurate.

In addition to the visual aspect, we ensure that the history behind the object is described as comprehensively as possible and that all relevant information is included.

Passion - I am a collector

Peter, founder:

"My passion for collecting began in my early childhood. Some of the first items I collected were the very classic ones - stamps, coins, and stones.

In my adult years, I came across vintage enamel signs, which combine beautiful colors with good design and fun messages. These signs are my own great collecting passion.

I believe that these historical advertisements and other collectibles from this period deserve their own platform, showcasing them with the attention and professionalism they deserve.

In other words, I dream of an auction house that can bring joy to all collectors."

Therefore, Wunderkammer's last, but not least, advantage is that we:

- Make our viewings, where our items are displayed to the public, exciting and interesting to participate in.

- Collaborate with collector communities to publish articles and interviews to spread knowledge and the joy of collecting.

- Organize exhibitions, lectures, and other events that give collectors the opportunity to come together around their common interest.

Thus, Wunderkammer aims to be the best place for collectors to meet and trade.

Contact Us

You can use the form below if you have any questions or if you would like an appraisal for one or more items. You are also welcome to email us at info@wk-auction.com.

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Wunderkammer is an auction house specializing in theme auctions and collectibles. Our auctions are built on specialization, the best presentation domestically and internationally, and, most importantly, on genuine collector's passion.

The trade in second-hand items has moved online, and today, there is a wide range of platforms where items can be easily and inexpensively listed for sale. These platforms are suitable for the sale of common and ordinary items such as dining tables, Tupperware, and children's winter clothing. However, they are by no means suitable for trading in collectibles, where presentation, description, and the target audience hold special significance. Collectibles have a unique audience and deserve their own platform where collectors are offered the best items, and sellers get the best price.

Wunderkammer celebrates the old by embracing the new. This means that we utilize modern platforms and methods for the presentation and promotion of auctions in Danish and international collector communities. However, Wunderkammer is also a counter-reaction to the busy world of online commerce, where we insist on specialization and immersion. We hold onto physical auctions as the core of Wunderkammer and provide collectors with the opportunity to come together around their passion, spicing it up with special events and experiences.

In other words, a place where passion comes first.


Wunderkammer Collector and Special Auctions
CVR-nummer: 43671642

+45 3119 9949


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